Yellow has become an increasingly popular color choice for weddings! It is bright, cheerful and classic. The Cindy Tole and the Teleflora show conveyed the versatility of yellow flowers!
They can be very classic and
simple, like in the bouquet above with roses and calla lilies and the bouquet below with roses and giant rich magnolia leaves! The handle of this hand-tied bouquet is incredibly unique with the
stems place into a giant reed! The brown satin ribbon really tied the bouquet together (so to speak) drawing in and emphasizing the great brown underside of the magnolia leaves. The arrangement below would make for a wonderful
centerpiece and is a little more informal with a wildflower garden look at the base of the arrangement! This composite rose was featured as a great way to add a personal touch to an event rather than giving a mother of the bride or another VIP member of the wedding party a single rose to carry. It is unique, crisp and adds that extra-special touch!
Sunflowers, roses, protea pincusions, mums, tulips, ranunculus! There are so many options when it comes to designing with yellow.
The arrangement above was a lovely mixed bouquet that really conveyed the casual look many weddings are going for these days. Tons of wedding blogs feature events where brides are wearing cowboy boots, bales of hay serve and chairs and there is a reception in a barn! This bouquet would be perfect for that wedding!
The arrangement to above featured giant tulips and one of my new favorite flowers, green trick dianthus with some yellow filler and evergreen around the outside. The bouquet itself was probably around 4 feet long! It was amazing but you would definitely need a bride with some guns to carry this one around all day!
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