Friday, December 2, 2011
The Pre/Post Holiday Detox
Have you been feeling a little stressed that the holidays are upon us? Sluggish? Full up to your eyeballs in turkey and experiencing a triptophane coma? Craving those holiday cookies and adult beverages? Well, I was on overload. After a summer and fall chalked full of weddings, bachelorette parties, then more recently 2 thanksgiving and a full Moroccan dinner on top of a 10 day course of antibiotics and steroids (by the way, those make me crazy) because of my sinuses, I was feeling the need to press the reset button. I've never tried a fast or cleanse. In fact I hate to even skip meals, but recently I have been researching juicing. I even watched a documentary called Fat Sick and Nearly Dead where a man nearly 100 lbs overweight decides to naturally heal his body through a 60 day juice cleanse. It was quite inspiring! Our bodies get loaded with pesticides, antibiotics, alcohol, processed foods so I thought why not "live off the fat of the land" and go for it! So, I am on day 2 of a 3 day juice cleanse from Ritual Cleanse. I thought it would be terribly torturous drinking only juice, but it really has not been that bad and it is only for three days. In fact, I am feeling great! I even went to bikram yoga today (thanks Anita for teaching another great class) and used the Shred component of pre and post workout juices to get me through class. The most difficult part has been smelling food. Supposedly, I will feel even better after the cleanse so I'll let you know how it goes. Have you ever tried a cleanse or juicing? I'm interested in getting some juicing "cookbooks" so I can do this myself if you have any recommendations!
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